Just published by the Folio Society

The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana

Illustrated by Victo Ngai
Translated from the Sanscrit by Sir Richard Burton and Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot

One of the world’s great literary legacies, this manual of virtuous living, courtship and pleasure affords an intimate glimpse into Hindu culture.

Published price: £395.00

Is this fortuitous? In my second novel ‘Sculpting the Elephant’ my fictional Victorian character Bartholomew Carew is a friend of Burton and receives one of the first copies of his translation of the Kama Sutra. It was distributed privately through the  Kama Shastra Society  .

The illustrations of this limited edition Folio Society version look more Chinese than Indian to me.  To see the India art version visit Khajuraho where you can see the Kama Sutra in stone.  It is also a location in ‘Sculpting the Elephant.’ Claret Press will publish  it early in 2019.