Politics, Lives, Page Turners:  The Courage of Claret Press publishing Sylvia Vetta and Pen Farthing  

Politics, Lives, Page Turners:  The Courage of Claret Press publishing Sylvia Vetta and Pen Farthing  

and the joy of the Oxford Indie Book Fair.

I love my publishers new book mark. It sums up what Claret Press is about. In their latest newsletter its CeO, Katie Isbester reports on her experience at the Oxford Indie Book Fair. There are LOTS of pics on the website but I attach one of   her latest author, Pen Farthing at the fair. https://www.oxfordindiebookfair.co.uk

Pen had previously been published by one of the big guys, Penguin Random House. But they decided his brand is ‘toxic’.  I’m delighted that CP has published his account of events in August 2022, so readers can make up their own minds knowing all the story and not just the propaganda line ‘Pets before People’. In my opinion, the government used him as a scapegoat to divert the vitriol away from their incompetence. After twenty years in Afghanistan, they hadn’t a plan for an orderly and successful evacuation and the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab couldn’t be bothered. He preferred to stay on the beach in Cyprus. That Pen managed to get out his 68 Afghani Staff without their help, is an achievement. You need to read the whole story to understand that this charity is not about Pets over People. 1000 Afghans a year were dying of rabies after being bitten by street dogs and his charity was trying to make that a thing of the past.

I knew that Katie had courage. My first novel Brushstrokes in Time was 10 years in the making. When I learned from the artist Qu Leilei about the courageous Stars artists, I realised that their story was ignored and forgotten –written out of history. I believe it’s an IMPORTANT story that needs to be told.  As no one else would write it, I took on the task. That entailed three years interviewing Leilei and other Stars, a year researching and visiting the places in the book. While doing that I studied for the Diploma in Creative Writing at Oxford ,so that I had confidence to do  it as a novel. By creating a few fictional characters, I could tell the story without harm to living people.

I sent it to Myslexia. I knew they introduce you to an agent if they shortlist you. They indeed did that for me. The agent said that my novel was interesting, well-written  and a publishable page turner  but unfortunately she wouldn’t be able to sell it. I tried other agents and the ones who responded did so in a similar way. One was honest and explained the reason, ‘I am not Chinese.’  They  were afraid  of  the  toxicity of the label ‘cultural appropriation.’ I thought the Ms would stay on my computer until a friend told me about Claret  Press. In her latest newsletter she explains why she takes on authors like me and Pen. https://www.claretpress.com/single-post/a-sip-of-claret-news-operation-ark-is-out-now

She writes,

‘Last Saturday I set up my stall at the Oxford Indie Book Fair alongside 60 other exhibitors. The OXIBF promotes books and voices from outside the mainstream publishing industry (by mainstream I mean the ‘Big Five’ publishers responsible for 80% of all books published in the US and UK). It was, as always, a delight. It was, as always, bigger and better than before. And its existence is thanks to Claret Press author Sylvia Vetta and a few of her friends.

I met Sylvia after a literary agent told her that no publisher would take her novel which was inspired by Qu Leilei, the Chinese founder of the Stars Art Movement, now exiled — like so many of his compatriots. Her fictionalised telling of recent Chinese history lifts the lid on its tumultuous change including the Cultural Revolution, the Democracy Movement and the Stars Art Movement (1979).

Equally, it is a touching coming-of-age love story. Brushstrokes in Time was praised by professors at both Harvard and Oxford and the Guardian’s chief foreign correspondent for China, among others. It was translated into German. And yet, the reason why the big publishers wouldn’t take it because Sylvia is not Chinese. They didn’t think it was authentic enough despite the story being based on many, many interviews of Qu Leilei conducted by Sylvia herself.

Also at the Oxford Indie Book Fest was The Dawson and Lucy Series author Steve Sheppard, who writes page-turning thrillers full of twists and adventure with a kick-ass heroine and a lovable hero. They also happen to be laugh-aloud funny. So are they comedy thrillers? What to call this unique blending of styles? For lack of an easily marketable label, Steve couldn’t get published by the big leagues. My gain. Again Steve’s books have been praised widely by comedy writers and by his growing legion of fans.

And then there’s Pen Farthing. We launched his book in London this Monday. He was a Sunday Times bestseller who fell out of favour with his publisher because of the uproar over the Afghanistan Evacuation. You’d think that would mean that he’d be even more of a hot ticket. But no. He got blackballed and lost not just his publisher but also his literary agent. Again, his book, Operation Ark, about escaping from Afghanistan during the disastrous evacuation in the summer of 2021, has been highly praised.’


 Wow!  Philip Pullman and I had the same response to questions. 


It’s the wonderful Oxford Arts Week. On Tuesday, I was on a panel in Littlemore church exploring the creative process. This evening, I attended the annual Arts Week Forum which had a distinguished panel including Sir Philip Pullman.

Imagine my delight to discover that I had answered a question in a similar way to him! Asked about how I begin, I explained that some writers know what will be in every chapter but I’m not like that. I have a vision, an idea of the end but mostly I create the principle characters and let them take me on journey.

Philip described how he created the character of Lyra and imagined her in a room where she was not meant to be, hiding and overhearing something she was not meant to hear. Then he let her lead him.

On my panel, some talked of the magic of creation.  While Philip did not dismiss that idea, he said ‘The magic comes because you put in the hard graft.’ He stressed that writing is mostly about putting in the time and the effort and the discipline.

The previous evening, I had described an interview I did with Colin Dexter the creator of Inspector Morse. Colin began by saying ‘Education has dominated my being, indeed, my first books were educational not crime fiction. I was Senior Classics Teacher at Corby Grammar School when deafness struck and blighted my life. After that I came here, in 1966, to work as Senior Assistant Secretary at the University of Oxford Delegacy in Ewert House where I continued to work until I retired in 1988.’

I realised that meant he had written his first seven novels in his spare time after the day job and wondered how he did it? Colin joked that after supper, listening to the Archers and a pint of good ale at the local, if he wrote one page a day that was 365 a year  and a book written i.e. the hard graft!

With Coli Dexter at an Oxford Castaways Oxtopian  event .


Cosmic Cats: A World First for World Book Day? Connecting children across continents. Purrrfectly Pawsome

Cosmic Cats: A World First ? Charming feature on BBC South Today covering the school’s launch .

Click on the link below to see it.

Here’s how you buy a copy

Cosmic Cats brings together stories written by children in my village and in Mumias. Reading and telling stories, creates empathy and understanding. New residents of Kennington may not realise that for fifty years, through KOA, Kennington was the only village in the UK, possibly in the world, which fundraised every year for overseas projects. It was done through events that villagers loved, like the fete, fun run, pop -up shop and children’s concert. Well here’s another FIRST for our village.  St Swithun’s CE Primary School and Mumias  Primary School in west Kenya have come together to produce this anthology of stories written by pupils. St Swithun’s CofE Primary School, Kennington (Oxon) and the Nasio Trust are proud to announce the launch of ‘Cosmic Cats’, an anthology of stories written by children from Kennington, Oxfordshire and Mumias, Kenya. The book celebrates the collaboration between the two communities to help set-up the first community library in the west Kenya district of Mumias/Musanda.

Cosmic Cats was launched at St Swithun’s School on the 6th of March, 2024 and  included a virtual interaction with the children from Kenya. The internationally loved children’s illustrator Korky Paul gave a presentation and well known children’s author, Julia Golding,  thanked the authors individually. The public launch and book sales will be from 11-12 am on 9th of March in Kennington Village Centre.OX15PG.

Winnie’s cat ,Wilbur, has endorsed Cosmic Cats as  Purrrr-fectly pawsome! 

Cosmic Cats Nasio Trust: Feature on BBC South Today

The library will be built by  the Nasio Trust led by, Nancy Mudenyo Hunt, the co-author of Not so Black and White .Cosmic Cats will be the first  book to be put on display in the Musanda library when it opens in 2025. This has been possible thanks to our long term association with the Nasio Trust. In Musanda, there is a spirulina factory built thanks to KOA. St Swithun’s School took part in the Spirulina Cookbook too. All proceeds from sales £8 will go towards the Nasio library. Cosmic Cats will be the first book in the library so the children will know their library, like Kennington library, welcomes them.

Feel the force of fifty children’s voices. Recognise the bravery of turning an empty page into a living story and celebrate how art and story-telling brings together young people who live continents apart. Cosmic Cats connects Mumias Township Primary School (Kenya) and St Swithuns CofE Primary School (England). 

Aged seven, I discovered libraries and a love of reading and writing but the idea that a working-class girl from Luton could become an author was as crazy as eating the straw boater with which my birthplace was associated. Middle class parents can afford to buy books for their children. Lack of access to books for children without them, is a handicap for upward mobility. That is why I asked the illustrator Korky Paul to lead our 400 yard Pied Procession to save our library from closure and it changed the leader of the County Councils mind.  Our library is still open and supported by  the County Council but it is a community library so the Friends( FOKL)  have to raise £4,000 per annum to keep it open. Please support your library . You may not need it but lots of people young and old do.



March 6 School’s launch: Mumias authors


St Swithun’s Authors


Head Teacher Mrs Knighton talking to  Mumias School authors 

Korky Paul with Mrs Knighton and I and his rendering of  Cosmic Cat!  The children had a purrrfectly pawsome time!


Excellent news about the fab Proof Social but Kennington is NOT a SUBURB but is the site of a world championship


Excellent news but I object to my village being called a SUBURB by the Oxford Mail! Oxford would love it to be but Kennington has always resisted the take over. My whodunit, Current of Death is inspired by the VILLAGE  where I live. In my foreword I describe it thus,

‘It’s an independent sort of place somewhat dwarfed by its famous neighbours. To the north lies academic Oxford with its dreaming spires overshadowing the town with its multicultural east and Cowley car factory where Harry King, the protagonist of my novel Sculpting the Elephant, grew up. Abingdon, which claims to be the longest inhabited town in England, is a few miles south of Kennington. Being overlooked means that villagers have got on with their lives without obvious interference.’

Proof Social Bakery is a perfect fit for the independent culture of the VILLAGE of Kennington. That is why Proof Social appears in Current of Death and why I had a launch there.  Round and About magazine covered it and got it right!

It is also the location of a World Championship!!! See below.  Proof Social will serve coffee there this year!


Afterwards some of the kind people who attended went with me on a walk to some of the sites in the book .


Chris Patten – last night’s moving farewell Chancellor’s event and why I appreciate his generosity of spirit .

In February, Chris Patten announced that he will retire as Chancellor of Oxford University. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2024-02-05-lord-patten-barnes-announces-his-retirement-chancellor-university-oxford So the Chancellor’s event last night was an interview with him. https://oxfordliteraryfestival.org/literature-events/2024/march-18/chancellors-lecture-from-china-to-the-middle-east-and-ukraine-a-world-in-turmoil

I was moved for many reasons by last night’s interview. He was asked to give advice to young people. I’m summarising it as .

The Three C’s

Be Curious

Be Courteous

Have Courage

He added, ‘Don’t do something just for the money.’ Chris Patten has lived by those values. I’m not a Conservative but remembering the likes of him and Rab Butler, who was Chris Patten’s inspiration, and John Major and Michael Heseltine, who gave tribute to him, I long to return to their example of good manners in political life. Rab Butler’s advice to Chris Patten was to place more value on ‘generosity than efficiency’.

Chris Patten showed generosity towards me, a freelance writer, by allowing me to cast him away on Oxtopia for The Oxford Times . He squeezed 30 minutes for me into a hectic schedule. I wrote up his early life to the point where he lost his seat in Bath and asked him to approve that, so in our 30 minutes we could concentrate on China and Oxford.

He said the years in Hong Kong were the best five years of his life. Last night he described how the city he loves is in handcuffs. I share his interest in China. When I interviewed him , I was writing Brushstrokes in Time . In 2014, China had been changing for the better but just as civility and rationality in British politics has gone down the pan , a dark cloud of oppression looms over China. Brushstrokes in Time was based on real events inspired by the life of the Stars Artist Qu Leilei who I interviewed every month for three years. My novel ended with hope. In these dark times, the chancellor has a refreshing quality – a sense of humour.

This quote is from my memoir Food of Love Cooking up a Life across Gender, Class and Race.

‘When I interviewed Chris Patten, the Chancellor of Oxford University, I asked him, ‘What would he, when a student at Oxford, have said if told he’d one day become the Chancellor?’ He shrugged and said that he would’ve suggested the speaker was high on marijuana!

If middle-class Lord Patten of Barnes’s future was so unexpected, how much more so was mine? Women were second-class citizens and working-class women were at the bottom of the pile.

Here is his castaway feature : Chris patten

What does the world hold in store for us in 2025? Three quarters of the world’s population is now led by leaders who think of themselves as demi-gods. Who would have predicted that even the Netherlands would have joined that club? Global warming is the most important issue facing humanity but the likes of Putin, Trump and Netanyahu care not a jot about that issue. So the question is


Chris Patten says he will continue to write. I would love him to write on that issue because he has a grounding in history, unique in depth life experiences and the wisdom , generosity and open mindedness to make a fine job of it. He also has access to the world’s best brains.

Current of Death -not imagined?



I took a walk to some locations in my whodunit Current of Death. Unlike in London, in my novel,there are only two bodies in the Thames near my village in Oxfordshire where Current of Death is set.  When I took this picture on Feb 15 Sandford Lane was still flooded.

To reach the lock, I crossed the Pooh Sticks Bridge where the World Championship now takes place.  Some trees think it’s spring.

Three Cormorants had left the cormorant tree to guard Sandford lock.

One character lives on a houseboat .

I couldn’t get to Sandford Lasher with its the memorial to drowned students as the path was flooded. Not far away blossom and a brush of green are appearing on the trees.

How does somewhere so peaceful and beautiful have a dark side?

Alex and Kate meet in the Kings Arms and have a useful conversation with the lock keeper.

I finished my walk at Proof Social Bakery which appears in  Current of Death and where I had a book signing.


How does somewhere so peaceful and beautiful have a dark side?

 Lovely feature in Round and About Magazine

The launch of Current of Death was fun –  discussion on Oxford Murder Capital of the World  with the help prolific crime writer Peter Tickler and Chris Andrews who has photographed Oxford for  forty years .




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