Claret Press’s blog on mixed relationships mentions some of my experiences.
I wrote a piece on the subject for the Madras Courier.…/on-mixed-race-relationships/
150,000 people, mostly of Indian ancestry, read it. (The editor seems to know how to work that out) In the UK, most people think this is a ‘white’ issue but, in my opinion it’s not. I wrote ‘Sculpting the Elephant’ a novel half set in Oxford and half in India. It involves a relationship between Harry King, an Oxford artist and Ramma Gupta, an Indian DPhil student. In the UK that is no longer controversial – unlike when Atam and I met in the sixties. But, in India, it is still controversial because marriage outside of caste is frowned upon by a large proportion of the population. If the subject interests you, these were my book recommendations for The site allowed me to explain why I chose them-why I think they matter .
My memoir is called Food of Love, cooking up a life across gender, class and race. For me, sharing food prepared with love can bring people together. Food given with love has healing properties. On Desert Island Discs, Jay Blades told the story of how, when his life had hit rock bottom a kind aunt and uncle fed him back to health and hope. That hope eventually led to the Repair Shop. Claret Press has also bogged about food bridging divides. My favourite example of it is from the Sikh culture. The community kitchen feeds anyone who turns up for free. Rich and poor eat side by side. This Gurdwara in Delhi, feeds thousands every day.