All Souls is a wealthy graduate college of Oxford  which opens to the public on  just one day a year- today-for Open Doors Oxford. The view of the Radcliffe Camera from the quad is exceptional. It  has an impressive library named  after a sometime fellow, Christopher Codrington, who was a generous donor. In 2018, the college unveiled this plaque.

Codrington may have handed the money over but he didn’t make it- the slaves on his plantations in Barbados and Antiqua did that. The college has tried to acknowledge that debt with this presentation with the names of his slaves .

I wish Oriel College would follow their example with regards to the Rhodes Statue . Although we shouldn’t want to not enjoy the Codrington Library, the whole story needed telling . The same is true of the Rhodes donations to Oxford and the scholarships in his name . What we need to know is more about the  people who were exploited to create his wealth i.e.  The Whole Story