Its black history month and today, I went to Christchurch Barn in Abingdon and watched the inspirational Junie James talk about the Windrush generation to a class from Fitzharry’s school. She was followed by the charismatic Dianne Regisford

I highly recommend the drama SOLD on Friday 14 at the Barn. It’s the first account of female enslavement –the story of Mary Prince written and performed by the talented Amantha Edmead and directed by Euton Daley. I saw SOLD at the Old Fire Station and that is where I’ll be tomorrow. I’m going to see Quiet Rebels about white women who married men of the Windrush generation.

It’s COINCIDENCE that it’s scheduled a few days before the launch of my memoir Food of Love at the Old Fire Station on Tuesday from 6-8. The reason I let Claret Press publish it is because I believe that the experience and voice of women like me who married non-white men when that was regarded with hostility, is completely ignored, airbrushed out of our own history. Even our children are solely identified by their fathers. I wanted to brush us back in. Suddenly there are two voices!

There are still a few tickets for Tuesday. Its free but please register on this link. Junie James is one of the inspirational panel.…/the-launch-of-sylvia…/

Why FOOD of LOVE? Food runs through my narrative like a river of love connecting us. I’ve invented a word to describe it. ‘Communescensce’ means that when we eat together we come together.’ At the end of each chapter is a recipe provided by family members and friends. Starting with my mother’s scones but becoming ever more diverse reflecting the enrichment of culture due to immigration.  Behind us is the restricted diet of the fifties. Now we can taste the world and relish it. With food comes love and with love comes hope.