Food of Love by Sylvia Vetta


I am being interviewed about Food of Love by Fleur Ostajak on BBC Radio Oxford tomorrow evening at 7.10pm


Since 1998 ,  I’ve been interviewed by many different presenters including Kat Orman, Phil Mercer and the late and lovely Alison Booker but this is my first with Fleur. As well as being interviewed by Jo Thoenis and Bill Heine, I cast them away on Oxtopia. In this pic, Bill is seen with fellow castaway John Buckley who created the Headington Shark.


I have Jo to thank for introducing me the wonderful founder of the Nasio Trust & YoCo, Nancy Mudenyo Hunt. Nancy will fly back to the UK from Kenya in December to receive an honorary doctorate at Reading. If anyone deserved that award its Nancy!

My first Radio Oxford , Oxford Castaways interview is available to listen to on this website. The link is on the Oxford Castaways banner. I took with me, my  good friend Simonetta Angelo Hornby who I also sent to Oxtopia. We met as young mums in Kennington. Simonetta is now a famous writer and broadcaster in Italy but I admire so much the work she did as a solicitor in Brixton South London. I was able to use the knowledge I gleaned from her experiences in the London based chapters of Not so Black and White. As well as appearing in Food of Love, she supplied an easy peasey Sicilian Almond Cake recipe for inclusion in my memoir .

Between 1998-2000  I visited  the studios every month to take part in an antiques phone in programme.

I took  the film producer Victor Glynn with me to a Kat Orman interview about Oxford Castaways 2 and Dwina Gibb when we launched Poems in an Exhibition for the human rights charity Standing Voice.

Victor Glynn’s  Castaway feature

On Saturday November 26, I’ll be at the Oxford Indie Book Fair signing copies and talking about memoir and why you should record your stories.